20 Hilarious Comics That Every Adult Will Find Funny


Although many of us like to claim that we’re transparent, we still keep some things to ourselves. It could be farting when you think you’re alone or gobbling down too much food past bedtime. We all have one or more of these secret experiences but would we be open to letting others in on it? Maybe not. That’s why we find these comics extremely funny and relatable. They depict those things everyone thinks about and does but never talk about.

#1 We have all been in this situation.

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Ever wanted to eat healthy and it goes well in the day time till the night comes? The cute lady in this comic seems to have made a decision to eat healthy all day. And she actually keeps to it till the clock chimes 9pm. It’s so funny to see how the resolution fades and the hungry monsters in her stomach take over at 2am. We’ve been there. Have you?

#2 We all let go of ourselves when we are at home or on periods.

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Remember the best friend who always looks so put together? Well, her boyfriend thought that would always be the case whether in public or at home. Guess who freaks out when he sees her on her period during a sleepover. That’s right –  Loverboy himself. So does this mean love is in the distance or in the looks?

#3 To be fair, kids hurting themselves is pretty funny.

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Kids are really adorable but they can annoy you a lot. And we do not admit it but some of us secretly feel happy when said kids get slammed by some form of discomfort. In fact, this lady in the photo seems to be a grumpy adult who finds it hilarious when a kid cries after getting hurt. In her defense, the kid was probably a little pesky.

#4 Honestly, the sound they make is horrendous.

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Adulthood is stressful enough as it is. After we go out to work, hang with friends or deal with kids, if any, we’re usually spent. Any adult can tell you that when they hit the bed, nothing can wake them- be it alarms, phones, honking horns or even a car crash. But the buzzing of a mosquito? Unbearable! Gets the best of us wide awake and into samurai mode.

#5 I can feel the pain.

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Everybody appreciates a good commercial – they’re funny or helpful. But we just have to hand it to the makers of those commercials for sanitary pads! They make it look like using their products magically changes a girl’s period from hell to wonderland. She can ride the clouds, walk on a rainbow and have all the energy in the world. But ladies, is that the case? We wish!

#6 We all want to touch a cat’s tummy but it is never recommended unless you like pain.

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Cats are one of the top 5 cutest pets, especially the ones with very soft fur. There’s a belief that cats like belly rubs a lot. But some cats do not necessarily like being touched. Clearly, the lady in this comic likes to give belly rubs and for her, it’s well worth the scratches and the pain. We’ll prefer to be safe than scratched, thanks!.

#7 I never noticed this but it is quite true.

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What’s the deal with shop attendants in expensive stores and cheaper ones? It’s almost like the ones you need to hang around disappear and this always happens in the cheaper stores. But the ones you wish would just turn away for a second never seem to budge and they’re the ones at the expensive store. Now, you can’t leave without buying something because they don’t stop staring. Frustrating and funny.

#8 Some people just have it all together.

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We can’t for the life of us understand how our mothers did everything they did back then. Many of us will agree that we don’t have the same level of “collectedness” our mothers had at our age. Handling a kid, a husband and still looking hot must require superpowers. As for us, like the lady in the comic, we’re just fine managing a plant and ourselves. No kids necessary.

#9 That is certainly one way to get your revenge.

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This is particularly funny because even the best of us have at one point or the other had our fart-venge. It’s the sweetest feeling in the world sleeping beside your partner- till they release a smelly bomb. It’s hilarious but many of us have done exactly what is depicted here. Afterall, revenge is best served loud and smelly.

#10 I only wish that work could be done at night because I am at my best when the sun sets.

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Daytime is for most activities. Productivity levels peak during the day for most people. It’s the opposite for “night people.” And some of us are on this ship. Working in the morning and keeping up through the day is a struggle. But what can we do? As soon as the sun begins to set, our energy begins to rise and when we’re supposed to be fast asleep, our brains go into crazy scientist mode. Help!

#11 Everyone has their insecurities.

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One beautiful thing about being human is that many of our personal struggles are not so personal. We may not talk about them but we all have these insecurities that tug at our self esteem. We feel insecure if we think that we do not measure up to other people. This comic shows that we see ourselves way worse than we actually are when analyzing the best parts of others.

#12 It is all about the angles.

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 Oh, the nightmare of social media! Everything looks easy when influencers do it till you decide to replicate the look. This other lady didn’t get the memo and she thought the angles ought to do it. Sadly, it takes a lot more than angles and waterproof mascara to recreate this look. We can relate.

#13 All plants need water, right?

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Not every good intention produces good results – This should be a bumper sticker for every adult. How many times have you done just a little too much to achieve a goal only to ruin it ? We’re guessing more than once. But this comic is really funny. Do cactuses now need water? Let’s ask the science guys.

#14 What happens after a few drinks with your friends?

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Sitting out with friends is nice. It’s even nicer to throw in a glass or two of drinks in the mix. That way, you all stay calm and collected. But these friends in this comic remind us of how much fun it can be to get drunk with your pals. Every manner of decorum and fake composure flies out.  Where’s the designated driver though?

#15 Children have it so much better these days.

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The good old days! Certainly not as good this present day, especially for the kids of this generation. Hey, who remembers what our playground was like in our time? This illustration is so accurate.from the swings and slides to the bouncy castle, the playground has so much more for kids to play with. What a time to be a child!

#16 Sometimes you just have to tell it to him straight.

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Ladies, men are clueless half the time. Unlike animals that give off scents, make sounds or even make displays to tell a mate that they want to get intimate, men need to be told or ushered into the act. On behalf of the lady in the illustration, we’re face-palming ourselves. But we can’t look past this without laughing. Sorry.

#17 They know everything about us, it is too late.

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Sad reality – The internet knows everything about us now. That’s what this comic depicts.

Can you remember having a weird moment when you were having a conversation with someone about something? Then the minute you go to your computer or phone, you get suggestions for the exact same thing? These comic characters are a bit funny. Should we cover our cameras and wrap our heads with foil paper too?

#18 Even the most beautiful of goddesses need to get their rest!

Image Credit score: life.24tv

The innocence of this comic is rather hilarious. No matter how grown-up you are, you’re always going to be nature’s baby. And nature has put this lady to sleep – even if she is a self-acclaimed goddess. Apparently, her body needed the shut-eye more than the displays of goddess-ness. Remember when something similar happened to you? Very funny indeed.

#19 Just tell me the age in months, I don’t wanna do math.

Image Credit score: life.24tv

What exactly is the point of doing what this mom did? If you love math so much, become a teacher! Why turn an ‘Aww moment’ to a ‘hell no’ moment?

We bet you have met a mother who pulled this on you. How did you respond? We’re solidly behind the girl in the comic – walk away.

#20 This always happens and then you are stuck.

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Thinking of doing something naughty when nobody is watching, like say…let out a smelly fart? You might want to think again. Because it is at that time that everyone suddenly appears from nowhere. And boy! The shame you’ll face when they begin to get a whiff of your naughtiness. You don’t want to be that person. Or have you?

What do you think about these illustrations? Which of them can you relate to the most? Has any of these things happened to you and which ones? Tell us in the comments section and send the comics to your friends so that they can have a laugh too because adulthood can be funny.
